A Doppler Echocardiographic Pulmonary Flow Marker of Massive or Submassive Acute Pulmonary Embolus

Jessica A. Schumann | EM/IM PGY-3

The Article:

A Doppler Echocardiographic Pulmonary Flow Marker of Massive or Submassive Acute Pulmonary Embolus. Afonso et al. (2019). Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 32(7): 799-806.

The Idea:

To explore the clinical utility of early systolic notching (ESN) of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) pulsed-wave Doppler envelope in the detection of massive pulmonary embolism (MPE) or submassive pulmonary embolism (SMPE)

The Study:

Retrospective study at Wayne State University where 277 (187 with PE, 90 control subjects without PE) patients without known pulmonary hypertension, who underwent contrast computed tomographic angiography (CTA) for suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) and underwent transthoracic echocardiography within 48 hours were studied. Patients with suboptimal pulsed-wave Doppler signals across the RVOT, more than moderate valvular disease, known history of PE, established chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, and preexisting pulmonary hypertension were excluded from the study.

The authors also evaluated other echocardiographic parameters, including McConnell’s sign and 60/60 sign.

Doppler interrogation of the RVOT was performed in the parasternal short-axis view at the level of the aortic valve or from the subcostal short-axis view with sample volume placed approximately 0.5 cm proximal to pulmonic valve.

  • Early Systolic Notching: Early systolic notching pattern (spike and dome morphology) Doppler envelope exhibits a narrow peaked initial wave (spike) with early deceleration of the RVOT envelope producing a sharp notch within the first half of systole (notch location within initial 50% of ejection, estimated with caliper tool) followed by a second Doppler wave (dome) that was more curvilinear in appearance.

  • Midsystolic Notching: Midsystolic notching is defined as a distinct notch falling within the second half of the systolic ejection period or, if the nadir occurred closer to the end of ejection, dividing the flow profile into two distinct peaks

The Findings:

Two authors blinded to the PE diagnosis evaluated 277 patients’ echocardiograms. Of these patients, 187 patients had a PE diagnosed on CTA within 48 hours of the echocardiogram. There was good interobserver agreement (96.7%).

In patients with massive pulmonary embolus or submassive pulmonary embolus, early systolic notching was observed in 92% of patients and midsystolic notching was observed in 1% of these patients.

In patients with subsegmental pulmonary embolus, early systolic notching was observed in 2% of patients and midsystolic notching was observed in 16% of patients.

In the control group of 90 patients, no systolic notching was observed.

Early systolic notching pattern for MPE and SMPE was shown to have good to excellent predictive ability: 92% sensitive and 99% specific. ESN had a positive predictive value of 96% and a negative predictive value of 96%. This is superior predictive ability when compared to McConnell’s sign, which yielded a sensitivity of 52% in this study.

The Takeaway:

ESN reliably identified patients with MPE and SMPE, but it did not identify those with subsegmental PE. ESN demonstrated superior predictive value with a high negative predictive value. Echocardiography should not be viewed as the primary screening test or gatekeeper for CTA in the diagnosis of acute PE. Prospective studies are required in broader populations, and the findings will need validated. In the future, echocardiography may offer a more cost-effective screening tool when compared to CTA

Integration of transthoracic focused cardiac ultrasound in the diagnostic algorithm for suspected acute aortic syndromes

Lee McChesney | EM PGY3

The Article: 

Nazerian, Peiman, et al. “Integration of Transthoracic Focused Cardiac Ultrasound in the Diagnostic Algorithm for Suspected Acute Aortic Syndromes.” European Heart Journal, vol. 40, no. 24, 2019, pp. 1952–1960., doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehz207.

The Idea:

To determine the feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of bedside emergency ultrasound in the management of ED patients presenting with acute dyspnea. 

The Study:

A prespecified subanalysis  of the ADvISED multicenter prospective study from 5 centers in 4 countries in which 839 patients with suspected acute aortic syndromes (AAS) had transthoracic focused cardiac ultrasound (FoCUS) to find either direct or indirect signs of AAS to assist in clinical judgement. Using the aortic dissection risk score (ADD-RS) to determine clinical probability of AAS, which the European Society of Cardiology endorses as the bedside tool to use in suspected AAS, patients can be defined as low or high probability. Those in high probability warrant a CTA/TOE and low probability need additional testing. FoCUS can quickly recognize those who need CTA/TOA despite low clinical probability and be used to safely rule-out those low risk patients with additional negative D-dimer testing. The aim of the study was to give additional validation to the algorithm endorsed by the ESC. Patients were included if AAS was included in the ED attending differential diagnoses and they were able to undergo FoCUS before any advanced cardiac imaging was performed. FoCUS was looking for direct and indirect signs of AAS. Direct signs looked for were intimal flap, intramural aortic hematoma or a penetrating aortic ulcer. Indirect signs included thoracic aorta dilatation greater than 4cm, pericardial effusion or tamponade, or aortic valve regurgitation.

The Findings:

A total of 864 patients were eligible and a total of 839 were included in the study after exclusion criteria. 170 patients had FoCUS performed by a cardiologist and 669 were performed by a non-cardiologist. Direct signs of AAS were found in 84 patients and any signs of AAS were found in 307 patients. Using FoCUS in addition to clinical assessment tool like ADD-RS, greatly increased the diagnostic accuracy of AAS. Using just the ADD-RS, a total of 671 were considered low probability of having AAS, but 67 patients had AAS. Using the tool, less than/equal to 1, with a negative FoCUS, the sensitivity to rule out AAS was 93.8%. D-Dimer testing was available in 812 of the patients, including 652 which were considered low probability. There was only false negative of 2 patients with AAS who had direct or indirect signs of AAS.

The Takeaway:

Making the clinical decision to obtain immediate CTA/TOE in stable patients in which ASS is considered, can be difficult and lead to misdiagnoses, wrong treatment choices, ED discharge and over-testing. In those patients with low probability of AAS, using US in conjunction with clinical assessment and D-Dimer testing, can provided a safe and effective way to make the decision regarding CTA/TOE. It can be inferred that in those patients with only indirect signs of AAS and a negative D-Dimer, CTA/TOE can be avoided by a case-by-case basis.

Transesophageal echocardiography use during cardiac arrest in the emergency department

Ali Elsaied, DO | EM PGY 3

The Article:

Teran, F., Dean, A. J., Centeno, C., Panebianco, N. L., Zeidan, A. J., Chan, W., & Abella, B. S. (2019). Evaluation of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using transesophageal echocardiography in the emergency department. Resuscitation137, 140–147.

The Idea:

To determine the potential added benefit of utilizing transesophageal echocardiography in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients brought to the ED.

The Study:

A prospective observational study at an urban academic tertiary care center of all patients over 18 years old, not pregnant, found to be DNR, or had any visible evidence of trauma who presented to the ED either actively in cardiac arrest, or immediately post-ROSC. The emergency physicians performing the TEEs were trained extensively in its use prior to the study launch. A total of 33 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients were enrolled in the study. The emergency physicians performing the ultrasound utilized the real-time TEE images to provide the primary ED team with information that may be beneficial in guiding resuscitative efforts, such as so-called ‘Area of Maximal Compression’ or AMC, sonographic volume status, RV dilation, aortic dissection, and more detailed view of ventricular dysrhythmia, such as very fine VF. The study evaluated how often TEE in cardiac arrest provided additional clinical information which may alter resuscitative management in any way.

The Findings:

Of the 33 patients enrolled in the study, 21 arrived to the ED with ongoing CPR, and 12 arrived having already achieved ROSC, or achieved ROSC within the first five minutes of arriving to the ED. The mean time from patient arrival to the ED to TEE 12 minutes. In the cohort of patients enrolled in this study, 7 patients were found to be in PEA, 6 were in asystole, 2 in non-pulseless ventricular arrythmias, and 16 had ROSC at arrival. 2 of these patients re-arrested shortly after arrival to the ED. 2 of the 7 patients thought to be in PEA by conventional measures were found on TEE to actually be in pseudo-PE, and 3 cases of what was thought to be asystole were found to be in fine VF, all of which were defibrillated.

39% of patients in the study were found to have RV dilatation on TEE, however not all of these patients were thought to have PE by the primary team.

One case identified a mass within the heart, thought to be a thrombus, for which the patient received thrombolysis.

In 17 of the intra-arrest cases, Area of Maximal Compression was evaluated by TEE. Of these, only 8 were found to have compressions over the LV, whereas 9 were receiving compressions over the LVOT or aortic root. Hemodynamic parameters seemed to improve via ETCO2 monitoring and SBP/DBP measurements with correction of compression position.

The Takeaway:

TEE in cardiac arrest may provide emergency physicians with more clinical data, potentially altering management to improve outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients.

FOCUS exam in the detection of Pulmonary Embolism

Zachary Messina, DO | EM/IM PGY3

The Article:

Daley et al. Increased Sensitivity of FOCUS for PE in ED Patients with Abnormal Vitals. Academic Emergency Medicine. November 2019. Vol 26 (11). 1212-1220.

The Idea:

To determine the sensitivity and specificity of the FOCUS exam as well as each component of the focused cardiac ultrasound (FOCUS) in two subsets of patients with abnormal vital signs.

The Study:

This study is a prospective, blinded, observational multicenter cohort study of two subsets of patients. The study was performed at six academic emergency rooms and involved seven ultrasound-fellowship-trained emergency attendings, three PGY-3 emergency room residents, as well as three third year medical students. The enrollment of the study was determined by a power calculation in place of a timeframe. Patients were placed in one of two groups, either the primary grouping which had a requirement of heart rate of greater than 100 and/or hypotension with systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg, or a subgroup which required only heart rate to be greater than 110 beats per minute. All patients were 18 years of age or older and all patients underwent computed tomography with angiography (CTA) of the chest. Prisoners, wards of the state, non-English speaking patients, and those where investigators were not able to obtain any echocardiographic data due to technical challenges were excluded. The goal was to have sonographers perform FOCUS prior to CTA; however, if FOCUS was performed after CTA the sonographers were blinded to the results of the CTA. All personnel in the study underwent standardized training consisting of a brief video and 1-hour didactic session. Two of the three residents also underwent an additional didactic session; the third already had prior experience in collecting ultrasounds. The three medical students underwent a 1-hour didactic session and 1-hour hands-on training session by the third resident as well. The medical students were required to perform 20 FOCUS exams prior to the study initiation to ensure competency. The FOCUS exam consisted of the parasternal long axis, parasternal short axis, apical four chamber, and subxyphoid views with a measurement of TAPSE, visual inspection of right ventricular enlargement, septal flattening, presence of tricuspid regurgitation on color Doppler, or monitoring for McConnell’s sign. If any of these components were present, the FOCUS exam was positive, if all components were absent the FOCUS was negative. TAPSE in this study was defined as <2.0cm instead of the conventional <1.7cm to increase sensitivity at the loss of specificity. Finally, inter-rater reliability was also tested as the site principal investigator by their own review in 104 of 136 patients in the right ventricular components in comparison to the sonographer’s interpretation.

The Findings:

First, 143 patient’s underwent CTA during the study, but seven were excluded. Three were due to technically difficult FOCUS exams, and only four were due to non-English speaking language barrier. There were 136 patients enrolled during the study, 37 had a pulmonary embolism on CTA. Of these 37 patients, six were hypotensive, 28 were normotensive with at least one right ventricular component identified, and three were normotensive without any component identified. In the comparison of FOCUS versus CTA in patients who had a PE, the following data apply. In the primary group of patients (n = 136), the sensitivity of FOCUS was 92% (95% CI = 78-98%). Of the right ventricular components, TAPSE of <2.0cm was the most sensitive at 88% (95% CI = 72-97%), and in comparison the TAPSE value of <1.7cm was at 67% (95% CI = 48-82%). The other components ranged from a sensitivity of 35% to 51%. The overall specificity of FOCUS was 64% (95% CI = 53-73%), with the McConnell’s sign component being most specific at 99% (95% CI = 94-100%). The other components ranged from 64% to 93% in specificity. 

In the subgroup of patients with a heart rate of >110 (n = 98), the sensitivity of FOCUS for PE was 100% (95% CI = 88-100%), with the most sensitive component being TAPSE of <2.0cm, which was 93% sensitive (95% CI = 75-99%). The sensitivity of TAPSE at <1.7cm was 77% (95% CI = 56-91%). The other components ranged in sensitivity from 36% to 57%. FOCUS specificity in this subgroup was 63% overall (95% CI = 51-74%), the most specific being the McConnell’s sign at 100% specificity (95% CI = 95-100%). The other components ranged from 63% to 93% in specificity. 

Finally, inter-rater reliability for whether the FOCUS exam was positive or negative by two separate sonographers was 1.0 (95% CI = 0.31 to 1.0). Of the individual components, TAPSE had a kappa statistic of 0.61 (95% CI = 0.31 to 1.0), septal flattening had 0.88 (95% CI = 0.69 to 1.0), right ventricular enlargement had 0.89 (95% CI = 0.7 to 1.0), McConnell’s sign had 0.89 (95% CI = 0.7 to 1.0), and tricuspid regurgitation was 0.81 (95% CI = 0.64 to 1.0). 

Limitations of this study:

From the study set-up, one of the three residents performing ultrasound was more experienced. To offset this, additional training was provided to the other residents in hopes this would bridge any gap in experience. In addition, the three medical students were all third year and inexperienced in ultrasound. While their data was also compiled into the resident data, there was concern for inaccuracy given inexperience. This was attempted to be compensated for in additional training and the performance of 20 FOCUS exams prior to the study initiation. These limitations may lead to the acceptance of incorrect data, however, this was demonstrated in terms of Kappa statistics.

In terms of data collection, nine patients had missing data for TAPSE, two for right ventricular enlargement, two for septal flattening, two for McConnell’s sign, and 60 for tricuspid regurgitation. There was also unintentional unblinding of two patients in the study to the sonographer. These limitations may primarily cause the unintentional underestimation of sensitivity or overestimation of specificity in the data collected. 

Finally, the study was created using a statistical power, which may cause bias, however, the power was meant to limit the width of sensitivity to no greater than 20%. Selection bias may also confound these data in terms of the exclusion of patients; however, the number of patients excluded was kept to a minimum.

The Takeaway:

The FOCUS exam in patients with abnormal vital signs may help to significantly lower the likelihood of pulmonary embolism in most patients who are suspected of having a pulmonary embolism. This was especially true in patients with a heart rate of >110 beats per minute. Further study with an unpowered cohort is needed to determine of FOCUS can exclude PE.