Jackie Anderson, DO | PGY3
Study Question:
How accurate is ER POCUS in identifying SBO as compared to abdominal CT?
Methods/Study Design:
Prospective, multicenter, observational study
Occurred between July 2014 and May 2017
ER POCUS interpreted at bedside by ER physician (attending, fellow, PGY2, PGY3) in real-time; also interpreted retrospectively by an expert reviewer after CT results were available; all reviewers were blinded
POCUS performed with curvilinear probe
Patients were evaluated for SBO if attending was concerned based on presentation and symptoms; patients who did not receive abdominal CT were excluded
Criteria used to diagnose SBO on POCUS: small bowel dilation >= 25mm, abnormal peristalsis
Criteria used to support SBO diagnosis on POCUS: transition point, intraperitoneal fluid, bowel wall edema (no specific measurement cutoff was used)
217 patients with overall SBO prevalence of 42.9%
POCUS: sensitivity 88%, specificity 54%
Expert review: sensitivity 89%, specificity 82%
POCUS: 11 false negative, 57 false positives when compared to CT
All reviewers were blinded
ER POCUS performers had no prior training in SBO evaluations
ER POCUS classified as “indeterminate” was determined to be positive for SBO; CT interpretations of “ileus vs. SBO” were determined to be positive for SBO
Different machines and performers were used among three hospitals with different patient populations
Authors’ Conclusion:
ER POCUS is moderately sensitive for SBO and less specific
Relevance to EM:
Opportunity for initial evaluation vs waiting for PO contrast and CT scan
Scanners with specific training performed better